color of each state indicates how frequently you will find someone
with this surname in each state. For instance, if a state is colored
red, then 1 in 100 people (or more) in that state have the surname.
Similarly, yellow means approximately 1 in 300 have the surname,
green means 1 in 1000, and blue means 1 in 10,000 (or less).If
you want to save this map to your hard drive, click on it with
right mouse button. On a Macintosh, just hold down the mouse button
and a popup window will come up and allow you to choose "download
image to disk" (or some similar wording). If you're using
AOL, make sure you first set the "Members|Preferences|WWW|Uncompressed
Graphics" option.If you'd
like a program to view and print these maps, please feel free to download
VuePrint - Hamrick Software's award-winning JPEG/GIF Image
Viewer (it only takes 2 or 3 minutes).
Maps courtesy of Hamrick Software
September 17, 1997
Surname Distribution - Year 1850
Crippen Surname Distribution - Year 1920