1895Warren County Pennsylvania Estate
file on John Crippen, late of Columbus Township, Warren Co., Pa.:
John died at Columbus 28 Aug 1895, at 8 am. He died (intestate) leaving no
widow and one child James M. Crippen, estate administrator.
"Gleanings from The Christian Herald and Journal & Zion's
Herald" (Methodist church's newspapers, pub. New York City
Sept. 1827-August 1831); abstracts for this book compiled by Dolores
Haller and Marilyn Robinson (Heritage Books, Bowie, Maryland, 1989):
Page 425 "DEATHS--- Harriet Hawley, May 4, 1830. Born in Fairfield,
Herhimer Co., NY, Jan. 25, 1805. Parents were Bradley and Hester Crippen.
When Harriet was 2 years old, family moved to Lima and 2 years later to Fairfield.
When she was about 16 years old she married William Hawley, had children,
the oldest age 9 and the youngest a few days old. A sister was at her deathbed.
Her grandparents are deceased. A child had died a few days ago (twin?). Mason
preached funeral sermon. She left a sister Miss Betsy Ann Crippen. Seth Mattison
of Penfield wrote a eulogy. Submitted to newspaper by William B. Sprague,
Harriet's physician."
Page 444 "DEATHS--- Silas Crippen, Feb. 7, 1831 at Worcester,
Otsego County (NY) a soldier of the Revolution."
Marriages From Auburn Gazette and Cayuga Republican (NY), "Tree
Talks", Vol. 1 No. 1, March 1971:
Page 26 James H. Johnson to Miss Clarissa Crippin married at Sempronius
(Cayuga Co) (Aub. Gaz. 7 Aug 1816).
Abstracts of Wills from Surrogate's Office, Monroe County Courthouse, Rochester,
NY. "Tree Talks" Vol. 5 No. 2, June 1965:
Page 10 Ransom Crippen, of Penfield. Died December 1, 1831. Widow,
Ruth. Children: Abial Crippen; Lucbe, wife of Wilbur Loomis; Norman Lewis
Crippen; Olive Maria, wife of Munson Badgley; Ezra Rowley, Orrilla, Orrin,
Ester Ann, and Harriet Crippen. Last 5 are under 21 years. Mentions Bradley
and Newman Crippen of Penfield. File 1832-18.
Washington County (NY) Cemetery Records "Tree Talks" Vol. 8 No. 2 &3,
June 1968:
Welch Hollow Cemetery, Town of Fort Ann, New York:
Samuel W. Crippen, August 29, 1820 - November 29, 1894.
Electa M., his wife, October 15, 1822 - January 16, 1900.
Marvin Crippen, son of M. and A., died March 22, 1842, age 11 yrs.